FIG. 2.
Viability of 4T1 cells at 4 hours after different treatment. (A) Control, no treatment; ultrasound alone, cells exposed to ultrasound alone for 1 minute (without Ce6); Light alone, cells irradiated by laser light alone (without Ce6); Ce6 alone, cell administrated with Ce6 alone (without light or ultrasound); ultrasound plus light, ultrasound irradiated for 1 minute plus laser light. (B) Control, no treatment; SDT, ultrasound exposed for 1 minute in presence of Ce6; PDT, laser light irradiated in presence of Ce6; SPDT, sono-photodynamic therapy, ultrasound irradiated for 1 minute in presence of Ce6 followed by laser light immediately. The concentration of Ce6 was 1 μg/mL. Ultrasound with frequency of 1.0 MHz, intensity of 0.36 W/cm2, laser light with total radiation dose of 1.2 J/cm2 were applied in the treatment. All data are expressed as percentage of control; error bars represent SD of the mean from three independent experiments. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01 versus untreated control, ##p<0.01 versus SDT group and ▵p<0.05 versus PDT group. SDT, sonodynamic therapy; PDT, photodynamic therapy.