Figure 1. Cryptic co-infection with wCer1 in wCer2 carrying trans-infected lines.
(A) Switch of strain prevalence from wCer2 to wCer1 in RC20. Asterisk represents time point of line establishment via microinjection in 200. Generations are indicated on x-axis. (B) Presence of wCer1 in random samples of RC lines determined via strain-specific wsp PCR. First RC20 sample seems to carry Wolbachia at extremely low density below detection limit of wsp PCR whereas the other one gives a bright band with wCer1-specific wsp primer set. DNA extracted from adult Rhagoletis cerasi served as positive controls (wCer1 and wCer1+2). (C) Random 36-bp fragment of the general wsp amplicon showing diagnostic wCer1/wCer2 sites. (D) Differentiation between wCer1, wCer2 and wCer4 Wolbachia using VNTR-141 PCR. Abbreviations: CC C. capitata, M DNA size marker, T1-3 trans-infected RC line sample.