Figure 1. A comprehensive siRNA sequence walk for the K12 mutation Arg135Thr.
This sequence walk shows the best siRNA was at position 5 (K12-Arg132Thr-5), which was very potent against the mutant reporter (pink line on plots) but did not significantly inhibit wild type (blue line on plots) at concentrations as high as 6.25nM. siRNA inhibitor K12-Arg135Thr-4 and K12-Arg135Thr-11 did not affect wild type or mutant reporter while K12-Arg135Thr-16 and K12-Arg135Thr-19 knocked down both alleles to varying degrees. NSC4 is a non-specific control siRNA, (negative control). siLUC is an siRNA specific for luciferase (positive control).