Figure 1. Experimental protocol.
A typical experimental protocol consisted of 6 consecutive 15 minute foraging sessions in the presence of objects. Sessions 1, 2, 4, and 6 were standard sessions where objects were in their standard configuration. Sessions 3 and 5 were object manipulation sessions, where either a novel object was introduced in the box or one (or occasionally two) familiar object was misplaced. The type of object manipulation was counterbalanced, such that if day n session 3 was a novel-object session while session 5 was a misplaced-object session, then day n + 1 session 3 was a misplaced-object session while session 5 was novel-object session. This was done to reduce the potential effects of ordering. Circles represent familiar objects in their standard locations, while stars represent either novel objects or familiar objects in misplaced locations. Magenta lines connect the standard and misplaced locations of familiar objects in misplaced object sessions.