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. 2013 Dec;37(10):2794–2805. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2013.10.001

Table 2.

Summary of brain areas that are important in understanding the effects of neurostimulation on AVHs, and their connectivity with other regions.

Brain region Role in AVHs Relevance to neurostimulation treatment Connectivity
Superior temporal gyrus (STG) Includes PAC, Wernicke's area, and planum temporale. Structural abnormalities and functional activity consistently implicated in AVHs, and during monitoring tasks. Posterior STG activity reduced after neurostimulation; this correlates with reduction in AVH severity. Strong connectivity with TPJ, and effective connectivity with ACC. Also connected to IFG through arcuate fasciculus white matter tract.
Inferior frontal gyrus (IFG, Broca's area) Crucial for production of speech (including inner speech), particularly in the left hemisphere. Role of right IFG still relatively unexplored. rTMS of Broca's area does not lead to a reduction in AVH frequency. Reduction in activity in IFG following stimulation of left TPJ, though not correlated with reduction in AVH frequency. Connected to STG through arcuate fasciculus white matter tract. Excessive functional connectivity with putamen in voice-hearers.
Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) Activation seen during AVHs may reflect conscious evaluation of stimuli, and in combination with STG, may be involved in monitoring processes. Reduction in activity in ACC following stimulation of left TPJ, though not correlated with reduction in AVH frequency. Connectivity with STG and TPJ may reflect verbal monitoring processes – effective connectivity during monitoring task is reduced in voice-hearers.
Inferior parietal lobe (IPL) Often activated in symptom-capture studies of AVHs, and commonly linked to feelings of self-agency. Data from neuroimaging has not implicated changes in activation post-neurostimulation; however, close proximity could mean activity is modulated by TPJ stimulation. May be part of an alternative pathway that runs laterally to the arcuate fasciculus, between IFG and STG.
Putamen Hoffman's corticostriatal loop model specifies that an overabundance of language representations initiated by the putamen may surface ‘unbidden thoughts’ as AVHs, due to hyperconnectivity with STG and IFG. If Hoffman's model is supported, disruption of hyperconnectivity with this region may be related to the therapeutic effect of neurostimulation. Excessive functional connectivity with IFG and STG in voice-hearers.

STG, superior temporal gyrus; PAC, primary auditory cortex; TPJ, temporoparietal junction; ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; IPL, inferior parietal lobe.