Immunolocalization of Fas, panel A–B and J–K; FasL, panel D–E and M–N; FADD, panel G–H and P–Q; in uterus and placenta recovered from the control and PGN+poly(I:C) treated groups. Panels C, F, I and L, O, R show the immunostaining index score (ISIS) in uterus and placentas recovered from control and PGN+poly(I:C) treated groups. Panel W shows isotype controls. Western blot analysis of Fas, panel S and V in uterus and placenta; Luminex assay of FasL, panel T in uterus and placenta; western blot analysis of FADD with GAPDH loading control, panel U and V in uterus and placenta recovered from the control and PGN+poly(I:C) treated groups. N=4–6 each group and six sections per animal were analyzed. Error bars= ±SEM. **P≤0.01 Significant difference vs respective control. Original magnification: 400X.