Figure 3.
HIV-1 gp120s with different affinity for α4β7 affect gene expression of freshly isolated human B cells. (a) Flow cytometry shows the binding to human primary B cells of two gp120s employed for microarray analysis: Z205F 0M with a high affinity for α4β7 and Z205F 38M with a low affinity for α4β7. (b) Heat map visualization by Partek of gene expression modulation in response to treatment with month-0 gp120 (Z205F 0M with a high (H) affinity for α4β7) and month-38 gp120 (Z205F 38M with a low (L) affinity for α4β7) isolated from a single patient. B cells from three normal donors were treated with the envelopes for 0.5, 3 and 6 h. Statistical significance is reported relative to mock-treated B cells. Categories of the genes modulated by gp120-α4β7 interaction are specified (DAVID Bioinformatics Tool). (c) PCR verification of gp120-induced genes in B cells. NT: mock, Low: gp120 with low α4β7 affinity, High: gp120 with high α4β7 affinity. Values are shown in fold increase over mock treated samples. Data reported are representative of three independent experiments.