Figure 5.
CD80 induction by α-IgM + CpG stimulation is reduced in presence of an α4β7-reactive gp120. (a) FACS analysis of CD80 surface expression induced by α-IgM + CpG stimulation for 72h, in the presence or absence of gp120s with high (R880F) versus low (92Th14.12) affinity for α4β7. Values reported are average % reactivity normalized to CD80 expression at 72h upon B cell stimulation with α-IgM + CpG alone (100%), p<0.0001 (two way ANOVA) (s.e.m bars) (n=3). (b) FACS analysis of CD80 surface expression over time induced by stimulation with α-IgM + CpG (24, 48, 72 h) in the presence or absence of gp120 with high affinity for α4β7 (R880F) or intermediate affinity for α4β7 (AN1). (c) FACS analysis of CD86 surface expression on B cells activated by α-IgM + CpG for 24, 48, 72 h, in presence of gp120s (R880F, AN1, Z185F) with different affinities for α4β7 (72h). Data reported indicate MFI, and are representative of three independent experiments using different donor B cells.