Chronic treatment with PPF does not have an enduring effect on drug seeking, nor does it affect locomotor activity or reinstatement for sucrose. (a) Experimental design for panels b and c. Animals were trained in self-administration and extinction, and treated with chronic PPF (10 mg/kg, ip) or saline, as described in Figure 1. (b) Instead of reinstatement, locomotor testing was performed on day 14 of extinction in an open field. (c) These animals were then allowed to continue an additional 6 days of extinction training without treatment, followed by a final cue-primed reinstatement test. (d,e) A separate cohort of animals were trained to self-administer sucrose pellets in a protocol identical to cocaine self-administration, followed by extinction and daily PPF or saline treatment. Cue-primed sucrose reinstatement was performed identically as for cocaine reinstatement. No significant difference was observed between sucrose-administering animals that received saline or PPF (10 mg/kg).