Figure 1.
Impact of lentiviral shRNA vectors on VGLUT1 expression in Neuro2A cells. (a) Mean (±SEM) levels of VGLUT1 mRNA in stably transduced cells were normalized to expression of the acidic ribosomal protein 36B4, and expressed as a percentage of those following control nontargeting shRNA. All of the VGLUT1-targeting shRNAs produced significant mRNA knockdown (**P<0.01; ***P<0.001 vs nontarget control; Bonferroni's multiple comparison post hoc following one-way ANOVA. (b) Representative image of western blot showing VGLUT1 and β-actin protein expression in stably transduced cells (for clarity, gels have been cropped to exclude regions over six band widths from VGLUT1 and β-actin bands). (c) Mean (±SEM) levels of VGLUT1 protein normalized to expression of β-actin and presented as a percentage of those following control nontargeting shRNA. Statistics were performed on raw data and not the percentage change, and n=3 in each case.