Figure 3.
A, In the CeA from restraint rats, superfusion of CRF alone significantly increased the mean IPSP amplitudes to 120% of control (similar to control rats): *p < 0.05 (paired t test). B, Top, Representative evoked CeA IPSPs from a restraint rat during the N/OFQ, coapplication with CRF, and washout. Bottom, Superfusion of N/OFQ alone significantly decreased the mean IPSP amplitudes to 74% of control and prevented the enhancement of IPSPs induced by subsequent CRF (as unrestraint rats, E): *p < 0.05. C, Time course of the changes in evoked IPSP amplitude induced by N/OFQ, concurrent application of CRF, and washout of the two peptides in CeA of restraint rats. D, Top, Representative IPSPs during application of evoked CeA IPSPs from unrestraint rat during the 100 nm N/OFQ, coapplication with CRF, and washout. Bottom, Superfusion of 100 nm N/OFQ alone did not affect the mean IPSP amplitudes, but it prevented the enhancement of IPSPs induced by CRF. E, Top, Representative IPSPs during application of evoked CeA IPSPs from a restraint rat during the 100 nm N/OFQ, coapplication with CRF, and washout. Bottom, Superfusion of 100 nm N/OFQ alone significantly decreased the mean IPSP amplitudes and blocked the CRF-induced increase of IPSPs: *p < 0.05 (Newman–Keuls post hoc). F, Time course of changes in evoked IPSP amplitude (at half-maximal intensity) induced by N/OFQ, concurrent application of CRF, and washout of the two peptides in the control (n = 6) and restraint (n = 7) rats.