(A) Principal component analysis for breast tumors (n = 67) and adjacent noncancerous tissues (n = 65) using the top 50 metabolites that showed the most different abundance across tissues. These metabolites were detected in >80% of all samples. (B) Z-score plots representing the deviation of the 50 metabolites in tumor (brown) and adjacent noncancerous tissue pairs (light blue; n = 65) from the average of the noncancerous tissues in linear scale. (C and D) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of ER-negative (C, n = 34, 16 AA and 18 EA) and triple-negative (D, n = 17, 8 AA and 9 EA) breast tumors based on 296 named metabolites. Colors denote sample classes (green, AA; yellow, EA) or basal-like subtype in D (brown, n = 15). Yellow frames in C and D highlight metabolites decreased in a subset of breast tumors, representing mostly EA patients. (E) Number of differential metabolites (fold change, >2.5 or <0.4; FDR, <5%) in the comparisons in C and D.