Developing and evaluating health care initiatives specific to GN patients
GN specialty multi-disciplinary clinics with telehealth outreach to all geographic regions in the province
Standardized GN-specific immunosuppression orders and laboratory requisitions
GN-specific laboratory and medication flow sheets
Centralized funding for immunosuppression medications
Collection of data necessary to support the goals of the BC GN Network
BC GN Registry
Regular reporting to the provincial renal community on the incidence, prevalence, outcomes and health care utilization of GN patients in BC
Encouraging research in the field of GN
Utilization of the BC GN Registry for health outcomes and health services research
Facilitating recruitment of patients into GN clinical trials by identifying eligible patients in the BC GN Registry
Engaging patients, physicians and other members of the renal community in the development of GN-specific initiatives
BC GN Network Steering Committee has representation from multiple health care domains, including pharmacists, academic and community physicians, and database / analytic specialists
Education and knowledge translation to physicians, patients and other stakeholders
Provincial GN rounds
Patient education tools, ex. medication information sheets
Dissemination of information through the GN Network website: