Fig. 2.
Multiple alignments of IMP protein sequences from eukaryotic and prokaryotic sources using the CLUSTAL-W multiple alignment program. Three characteristic signature motifs (Motif ‘A’ - DPIDGT, Motif ‘B’ - WDXAAG, and Motif ‘C’ - GEES) of the phosphatase super family is highlighted. The key amino acids in substrate and metal binding and nucleophile activation (i.e glutamate [E]73, aspartate [D]94, leucine/isoleucine [L/I]96, aspartate [D]97, glycine [G]98, threonine/serine [T/S]99, and aspartate [D]225) are underlined. [AtIMP, Arabidopsis thaliana IMP; CaIMP, Cicer arietinum IMP; HvIMP, Hordeum vulgare IMP; HsIMP, Homo sapiens IMP; EcIMP, Escherichia coli IMP.]