Figure 2. Similar basic properties of place cells in CT and KO mice in run periods.
(A) Examples of color-coded firing rate maps of CA1 place cells during run on a 10 × 76 cm linear track. Peak firing rates in Hz are shown above each rate map. (B–G) Quantitative description of place fields of CT and KO mice: (B) size of place field, (C) mean in-field firing rate, (D) directionality, (E) sparsity, (F) spatial information, and (G) spatial coherence. (H–J) Quantification of spike activity during burst: (H) number spikes per burst per cell, and (I) the proportion of spikes, which were burst spikes, per cell. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. (J) The percentage of attenuation in spike amplitude within bursts as a function of in-burst inter-spike interval (ISI) for each cell (CT: 48 cells; KO: 97 cells).