Figure 4. Impaired reactivation of spatial experience on the linear track during awake resting periods on the linear track in calcineurin KO mice.
(A) For each pair of neurons, the pairwise cross-correlogram of the two spike trains around ripple events (± 300 ms) is plotted at a y position given by the linear distance between the corresponding two place field peaks. Wherever more than one pair occupies the same y position (ie has the same inter-peak spatial distance), the cross-correlograms have been averaged. Pairwise data from all sessions are shown together on the left for CT and on the right for KO. (B) Distribution of temporal spike separations during ripples of all pairs of neurons is plotted as a function of the distance between place field peaks on the track. (C) Comparison of the average spike separation for pairs of cells with place field peaks less than 10 cm apart (close cells) and pairs of cells with place field peaks more than 40 cm apart (far cells). (D–F) For KO mice, the reactivation assessment shown in (B) was reanalyzed while only extra spikes (D), only extra ripples (E), or both extra spikes and ripples (F) were randomly decimated. Data are represented as mean ± SEM.