Figure 5. TMZ-PMNPs demonstrate anti-glioma efficacy.
(A) U87 hindlimb xenografts were allowed to grow to an average of 200 mm3 and animals randomized into the groups indicated (n = 5 per group). Graph shows ratio of the tumor volume on any given day (V) relative to the volume of the same tumor on the day treatment was initiated (V0) +/− SD, following treatment with the indicated PMNP. * P < 0.05, TMZ loaded PMNPs (TMZ NP) relative to untreated (UTC). (B) Kaplan-Meier curve of mice bearing intracranial U87 xenografts either untreated or treated with TMZ-PMNPs or Blank-PMNPs. (n = 5 animals per treatment group). P < 0.03, TMZ-PMNPs versus Blank-PMNPs.