Figure 4.
Flip-angle and phase maps obtained with design strategies handling the phase differently (2-spoke pulses in the head at 7 T and in the torso at 3 T). TP stands for target phase. The bar graphs on the right side of the maps indicate how far from their limits the constraints are (“L” is for local SAR, “G” is for global SAR, “M” for maximum power and “A” for average power). The three numbers above the flip-angle maps indicate the RMSE (in percent of the target flip-angle, which is 40°), mean and standard deviation of the flip-angle distribution. In the torso, the constraints are set to 4 W/kg (local SAR), 4 W/kg (global SAR), 5 kW/ch. (peak power) and 500 W/ch. (average power). In the head, these constraints are set to 1 W/kg, 3 W/kg, 1 kW/ch. and 100 W/ch. Black represents “don’t care” regions that are not taken into account in the pulse design.