Figure 2.
SSB and DSB repair kinetics determined by SCGE. One-day regenerated protonemal tissue from wild type and pplig4 lines was treated with Bleomycin for 1 h prior to nuclear extraction and the analysis. (a) Dose-response as the percentage of the free DNA moved by electrophoresis into comet tail (% T DNA) at the indicated Bleomycin concentrations. DSBs were determined by N/N protocol: green: wild type, blue: pplig4, whereas SSBs were determined by A/N protocol: red: wild type, dark purple: pplig4. (b) Repair kinetics is plotted as % of DSBs remaining over the 0, 5, 10, 20, 60, 180, and 360 min period of repair recovery. Maximum damage is normalised as 100% at t = 0 for all lines. SSBs were induced by 1-hour treatment with 2 μg mL−1 Bleomycin; bright blue: wild type, dark blue: pplig4, and determined by A/N protocol. DSBs were induced by 1-hour treatment with 30 μg mL−1 Bleomycin, green: wild type, orange: pplig4, and determined by N/N protocol. (Error bars-standard error).