Rates of any consumption for each of seven beverage types among healthy adults enrolled in a dietary assessment and doubly labeled water study.1,2
Overall (N=250) |
True Reporters (N=108) |
SSB, n (%) | 145 (58.0%) | 63 (58.3%) |
Fruit Juice, n (%) | 129 (51.6%) | 60 (55.6%) |
Diet Soda, n (%) | 47 (18.8%) | 17 (15.7%) |
Dairy, n (%) | 100 (40.0%) | 51 (47.2%) |
Coffee/Tea, n (%) | 179 (71.6%) | 71 (65.7%) |
Alcohol, n (%) | 92 (36.8%) | 36 (33.3%) |
Other3, n (%) | 56 (22.4%) | 26 (24.1%) |
SSB: Sugar-sweetened beverages.
Any intake defined as any reported intake over each of the dietary recalls.
There were no significant differences in any consumption of each of the seven beverage types between true reports and non-true reports (all Chi-Square p>0.075).
Other beverages include vegetable juice, soy drinks, rice milk, coconut milk and tonic water.