A, B, cell-attached recordings from different type-1 cells, each with two contiguous sections of 500 ms in length. Upward deflections represent inward currents (open channel events with current flow into the cell). Cells were superfused with 100 mm K+ Tyrode, with 140 mm K+ in the pipette solution. Pipette potential (Vp) was +80 mV. C, D, all-points histograms (150 fA bin widths) generated from 10 s segments of cell-attached recordings under control conditions from the same cells as in A and B. E, mean single-channel current–voltage relationship (I–V) for background channel activity (n= 15). Mean data from inward currents were fitted by least squares linear regression and yielded a mean ±s.e.m. slope conductance of 33.4 ± 0.7 pS (r2= 0.997).