Figure 4. Respiratory, cardiovascular and metabolic outputs altered by bicuculline methiodide (BIC) in the lateral septal nucleus (LSN).
A, locations of responses shown in B–D. B, effects on lumbar sympathetic nerve activity (lSNA), splanchnic sympathetic nerve activity (sSNA), arterial pressure (AP), heart rate (HR), phrenic nerve amplitude (PNamp), phrenic nerve frequency (PNf), expired CO2, core temperature and interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) temperature following BIC microinjection in the intermediate LSN (LSI), a response similar to that evoked in the infralimbic cortex. C, effects on sSNA, AP, mean AP (MAP), HR, PNamp, PNf, expired CO2 and core temperature following BIC microinjection into LSI. Note the oscillation evoked in sSNA associated with the increase in MAP. D, lumbar and splanchnic SNA and MAP before and after BIC microinjection into another site in LSI: a, control period, and b, BIC-evoked large bursts in both lSNA and sSNA unrelated to PNf, at variable frequencies of 0.3–0.8 Hz.