Table 2. Indicators of equality of public health services and associated measurement strategies.
Indicator | Population in need | Definition of indicator |
Equality level of children with effective management | Children aged 0–6 | OR of effective management* rate between left-behind children group and living-with-parents children group |
Equality level of hypertension patients receiving follow-up regularly | Hypertension patients | OR of receiving follow-up regularly# between the group of hypertension adults in low-income group and middle and high income group |
Equality level of women with effective postnatal care | Women who gave birth in a specific year | OR of receiving postnatal care regularly# between women living in suburban villages and whom in general villages |
Effective management means that a child has taken all immunization vaccination at his/her age and has undergone physical examination at least once in the recent year.
#People received sufficient follow-up visits according to the National Basic Public Health Service Specifications.