Figure 1. Identification of COL7-specific plasma cells (PCs).
Cells from lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow were stained as described in the Methods section (gating strategy: Figure S1). A, Left plot: population within the lower quadrant not binding to GST resembles cells specific for mCOL7c only. Right plot: Staining was blocked by pre-incubation with unlabeled antigens (mCOL7c-HIS and GST). B, Frequencies of plasma cells specific for mCOL7c or GST after mCOL7c-GST immunization, from the draining lymph nodes, 14 weeks after immunization. C, Frequencies of plasma cells specific for mCOL7c only, from the indicated organs of mice (nā=ā3ā5) immunized either with mCOL7c-GST or OVA (as a control group), 14 weeks after immunization. Similar distribution of mCOL7c-specific plasma cells were found also weeks 3, 7 and 21 after immunization. Data are representative for three independent experiments.