Figure 2. Turn-over of plasma cell populations.
A, Frequencies of total plasma cells and mCOL7c-specific plasma cells among total plasma cells were determined at various time points after immunization as described in Fig. 2. B, from weeks 4 to 7 after immunization, mice were continuously fed with BrdU. Mice were analyzed directly after the pulse (week 7), as well as seven weeks (week 14) and 14 weeks (week 21) later. C, Left: GST-binding cells were excluded by electronic gating, allowing the identification of mCOL7c-specific plasma cells and plasma cells not binding to the immunizing antigens (bystander plasma cells neither specific for mCOL7c, nor GST). Right: Plasma cells specific for the indicated antigens were analyzed for BrdU incorporation directly after the feeding period at week 7, and 7 weeks later. Mean results (± SEM) are shown (n = 6). Data for week 7 and 14 are representative for two independent experiments.