Figure 4. TEM images of A. lyrata stigmatic papillae in response to cross-compatible pollen.
(A, B) Unpollinated stigmatic papilla. Secretory activity was not observed at the papillar plasma membrane (PM) in 10/10 samples. (C, D) Stigmatic papilla at 5 min post-pollination. Secretory activity was not observed at the papillar plasma membrane (PM) in 10/10 samples. (E, F) Stigmatic papilla at 10 min post-pollination. Vesicles (V) were observed to be fusing to the plasma membrane (PM) underneath the pollen contact site in 25/25 samples. (G-H) Pollen tube penetration into the stigmatic papilla at 20 min post-pollination. Vesicles (V) were observed at the papillar plasma membrane (PM) beneath the pollen tube tip in 25/25 samples. The white boxed areas in (A, C, E, G) are shown in the (B, D, F, H), respectively. Scale bars (A, C, E, G) 1.5 µm; (B, D, F, H) 500 nm.