Figure 6. Migration and infiltration of phosphorylated ERα-expressing neutrophils.
WBC fractions were prepared from peripheral blood of C3H/HeNCrIBR (A) and ERα KO (B) females and were subjected to migration assays as described in the Experimental section. Cells before migration and cells in upper, lower compartments and the lower surface of the dividing membrane were double stained with anti-Ly6G (αLy6G) and anti-P-Ser-216 (αP-S216) antibodies. Staining was visualized as described in the legend of Figure 2 and images are presented as described in that of Figure 4. (C) Serial sections of the uterus of ovariectomized females were stained by αP-S216, αLy6G or anti-ERαC (αERαC) antibody. (D) Serial sections of the uterus of ERα KO females were stained by αLy6G or αP-S216 antibody.