Figure 3. Comparison of condition-related itch relief in both experiments.
Average rating difference (RD) of itch intensity (= itch relief) in the mirror (upper panel) and video experiment (lower panel) on the NRS (mean pre-post rating differences ± SEM). For better identification experimental conditions are labeled by capital (mirror experiment, A-D) and small (video experiment, a-h) letters. While the scratching side is shown above for the non-itching (left) [S-] and the itching right [S+] forearm, the visually perceived forearm is indicated below: visual percept that scratching is applied to the non-itching (left) forearm only [V-/+]; itching (right) forearm only [V+/-], to both forearms [V+/+], or visual percept that no scratching is applied [V-/-] (see also Table 1). In the case of two visible forearms, one forearm is flipped (mirrored), the other is visible as it is normally seen. Corresponding conditions in the mirror and video experiment are highlighted by the same colors (see also Table 2). *=p<0.05; **=p<0.01, ***=p<0.005