Restriction analysis to determine the frequency of haplotypes I and II of the hAT1R gene. Because four polymorphisms in the hAT1R promoter are in LD, the frequency of each haplotype may be calculated by measuring frequency of any polymorphism. Restriction enzyme HinfI digests the PCR-amplified fragment only when −680T is present. Therefore, genomic DNA from hypertensive patients and normotensive controls was amplified to produce 238-bp fragments as described under “Experimental Procedures.” The partial nucleotide sequence of the amplified fragment around the T/G polymorphic site at −680 of the AT1R gene is shown in the first line. The HinfI restriction site (which will cleave the amplified DNA if nucleoside T is present at −680) is shown in the second line. The amplified DNA fragments were treated with HinfI and separated on a 3.5% agarose gel. Lanes 1 and 6, samples from TT homozygotes; lanes 2, 4, and 5, samples from GT heterozygotes; lane 3, sample from a GG homozygote; lane 7, positions of DNA markers.