A, nucleotide sequence of hAT1R promoter containing −214A has stronger homology with USF binding site. B, oligonucleotide containing −214A binds strongly to USF as compared with the oligonucleotide containing −214C. Oligonucleotide 214A formed a complex (shown by an arrow) (lane 1), which was competed out with self-oligonucleotide (lanes 2 and 3), USF consensus oligonucleotide (Con USF oligo, lane 6), but not with an oligonucleotide containing −214C (lanes 4 and 5) or a nonspecific oligonucleotide (lane 8). This complex was also removed in the presence of USF1 antibody (lane 7). On the other hand, radioactive oligonucleotide 214C did not form this complex but formed a faster moving complex (lane 9).