Generation of transgenic mice containing haplotype I and II of the hAT1R gene: Transgenic mice were generated using 166-kb BAC plasmid DNA containing hAT1R gene by recombineering as described under “Experimental Procedures.” A, diagrammatic presentation of the 5′-UTR, coding region, and 3′-UTR of hAT1R gene of BAC construct in 7.4 kb of pBeloBAC11 vector. B, restriction digestion of BAC containing hAT1R gene with restriction enzyme SpeI followed by gel electrophoresis was performed to determine authenticity of the BAC. Lane 1 shows the molecular size marker of the 1-kb ladder DNA; lanes 2 and 3 show DNA fragments obtained from the restriction digestion of haplotypes I and II, respectively. C, location of primers designed from different regions of the BAC plasmid for the characterization of hAT1R gene.