The W170S mutation in α1β GlyRs showed no significant changes in agonist sensitivities, maximal current responses, or I-V relationship. A–C, Dose–response curves for α1WT and α1W170S homomeric GlyRs normalized to maximal currents induced by glycine (A), β-alanine (B), and taurine (C). D–F, Dose–response curves for α1WTβ and α1W170Sβ heteromeric GlyRs normalized to maximal currents induced by glycine (D), β-alanine (E), and taurine (F). G, Maximal responses (Imax) of glycine-, β-alanine-, and taurine-induced currents in α1WTβ and α1W170Sβ GlyRs. H, The β-alanine- and taurine-mediated Imax were normalized to glycine-mediated Imax from the same cell. I, Representative traces of 100 μm glycine-induced currents at different holding potentials from −60 mV to 60 mV. J, Peak I-V relations (normalized to the current recorded at −60 mV) of α1WTβ and α1W170Sβ GlyRs. n.s., Not significant.