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. 2012 May;19(14):2104–2127. doi: 10.2174/092986712800229005

Table 1.

Summary of Iridoid-Containing Plant Species Investigated for Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Species Name Plant Part(s) Used Isolated Iridoid Glycoside Common Uses / Biological Activity In vitro Studies In vivo Studies Proposed Mechanism of Action References

Ajuga bracteosa Wall. ex Benth. (Lamiaceae) Whole plant 6-deoxyharpagide (1); raptoside (2) Hepatitis; pneumonia; bone disease Yes Yes COX-2 inhibition. [46-48]

Boschniakia rossica (Cham. & Schltdl.) Standl. (Orobanchaceae) Whole plant Boschnaloside (3); 8-epideoxyloganic acid (4) Antisenile agent Yes Yes TNF-α, iNOS, COX-2 inhibtion. [49-53]

Bouchea fluminensis (Vell.) Moldence (Verbenaceae) Aerial parts Lamiide (5) Bowel stimulator; anti-inflammatory agent Yes Yes Inhibition of phospholipid peroxidation and free radical scavenging activity. [56-58]

Catalpa ovata G. Don. (Bignoniaceae) Stem Catalposide (6) Anti-inflammatory agent Yes Yes Inhibition of the production of TNF-α and NO with significant decreases in mRNA levels of TNF-α and inducible NO synthase. [64-67]
Attenuates the induction of intestinal epithelial pro-inflammatory gene expression and reduces the severity of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis in mice.
Inhibits the production of tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and interleukin-6 (IL-6), and the activation of nuclear factor-B.

Cornus officinalis Siebold et Zucc (Cornaceae) Fruit Cornel iridoid glycoside (CIG); morroniside (7); loganin (8); cornuside (10); 7-O-cinnamoyl-morroniside (11) Anti-inflammatory and haemostasis-promoting agent Yes Yes Ihibition of IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, PGE2, iNOS and E-selectin expression, NO production, NFκB and COX-2. [68-76]
Suppression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and MCP-1.

Enicostema axillare (Lam.) A.Raynal (Gentianaceae) Whole plant Swertiamarin (12) Diabetes mellitus; rheumatism; ulcers; hernia; swelling; itching and anti-inflammatory agent Yes Yes Anti-oxidant and hepatoprotective. [45; 77-79]
Inhibits TBX2.

Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. (Eucommiaceae) Bark and leaves Aucubin (14); Genipin (16); Diabetes mellitus; hypertension; anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent Yes Yes Concentration-dependent inhibition on lipid peroxidation induced by Fe2+/ascorbate. [80-83]
Concentration-dependent inhibition of NO production and iNOS expression upon stimulation by lipopolysaccharide / interferon-g.
Blockage of lipopolysaccharide indicating that it exhibits inhibitory effect on NO production through the inhibition of NFK-B activation.
Promotes wound healing.

Gardenia jasminoides J.Ellis (Rubiaceae) Fruit Geniposide (13); Genipin (16) Sedative; diuretic; cholagogue; antiphlogistic; anti-inflammatory; anti-oxidant and anti-thrombotic agent Yes Yes Inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated iNOS expression or COX-2 promoter activity. [84-92]

Gentiana lutea L. (Gentianaceae) Roots Gentiopicroside (18) Gastric stimulation and anti-inflammatory agent No Yes Reversal of NR2B over-expression during the chronic phases of persistent inflammation caused by hind paw administration of complete Freund’s adjuvant. [45; 93-95]

Harpagophytum procumbens (Burch.) DC. ex Meisn. subsp. procumbens (Pedaliaceae) Secondary tubers Harpagoside (19); harpagide (20); 8-coumaroyl-harpagide (21); pagoside (22) Rheumatism; arthritis; sores; ulcers and boils Yes No Inhibition of the biosynthesis of cysteinyl-leukotrienes and TBX2. [44; 96-108]
Suppression PGE2 synthesis and NO production by inhibiting LPS-stimulated enhancement of the COXe-2 and iNOS mRNAs expressions.

Himatanthus sucuuba (Spruce ex Müll. Arg.) Woodson (Apocynaceae) Bark; latex; leaves Plumericin (23); isoplumericin (24) Wound healing; laxative; hallocinogen; tumours; boils; oedema; arthritis; gastritis; verminosis No Yes - [109-111]

Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. (Bignoniaceae) Bark; Fruit; Flower Verminoside (25) Psoriasis; eczema; venereal disease Yes Yes Verminoside inhibits iNOS expression and NO release in the LPS induced J774.A1 macrophage cell line. [112-116]

Lamiophlomis rotate (Benth. ex Hook. f) (Lamiaceae) Aerial parts; roots Loganin (8) (and others) Detumescence; haemostasis; pain alleviation; blood circulation promotion Yes Yes Lamiophlomis rotata injection increased phagocytosis by mouse peritoneal macrophages, and decreased the LPS-induced production of IL-1. [117-118]

Mentzelia scabra subsp. chilensis (Gay) Weigend (Loasaceae) Aerial parts Mentzeloside (syn. deutzioside) (26) Gastric ulcers; helminth infections No Yes Dose-dependent inhibitory activity on carrageenan induced rat-paw oedema. [119-120]

Phillyrea latifolia L.(Oleaceae) Aerial parts Oleuropeoside (27); ligustroside (28) Oropharyngeal inflammation; burns; headaches Yes No Inhibition of PGE2 release. [121-123]

Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth. (Scrophulariaceae) Root Picroside II (29); picroside III (30); picroside V (31); 6-feruloyl catalpol (32); picroside I (34); kutkoside (35) Jaundice; indigestion; common fever; acute viral hepatitis and bronchial asthma Yes Yes Stimulation of the cell-mediated and humoral components of the immune system. [43; 124-129]

Plantago asiatica L. (Plantaginaceae) Seeds Aucubin (14) Bronchitis; diarrhoea; constipation, wounds No Yes Oral wound healing. [83; 130-131]

Rehmannia glutinosa Steud.(Scrophulariaceae) Root Catalpol (15) Contact dermatis and rhinitis; promotes blood circulation; improves kidney function Yes Yes Inhibition of the secretion of both TNF-α and IL-1. [132-133]
Neuroprotective by attenuating LPS-induced the expression of iNOS.

Russelia equisetiformis (Schltdl. & Cham.) Whole plant 10-O-cinnamoyl sinuatol (36) Diabetes; leukemia; pain and inflammation Yes Yes Inhibition of pro-inflammatory mediators. [134-136]

Scrophularia auriculata ssp. pseudoauriculata, (Scrophulariaceae) Aerial parts Scropolioside A (38); scrovalentinoside (39) Inflammatory skin diseases Yes Yes In vivo scropolioside A reduces both oedema formation and cell infiltration whereas in vitro it reduces the proliferation of activated T-lymphocytes. [39-40]
Inhibition of the production of PGE2, leukotriene B4, NO, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, TNF-α and interferon-γ.

Scrophularia deserti Delile (Scrophulariaceae), Aerial parts Harpagoside (19); scropolioside-D2 (40); koelzioside (41) Fever; kidney diseases; diabetes mellitus; inflammation of the mouth, lungs, large intestines, bladder and heart No Yes - [137-139]

Scrophularia frutescens L. (Scrophulariaceae) Aerial parts Harpagoside (19) Joint and lower back pain and inflammation Yes Yes Hydrolysed products of harpagoside with glucosidase treatment showed a significant inhibitory effect on COX-2 activity. [44; 140-141]

Scrophularia scorodonia L. (Scrophulariaceae) Aerial parts Aucubin (14);harpagoside (19); harpagide (20); 8-acetylharpagide (42); scorodioside (43); scropolioside B (44); bartsioside (45) Inflammatory diseases Yes No Inhibition of TXB2, PGE2 and LTC4 release. [142-143]

Sideritis perfoliata L. subsp. perfoliata (Lamiaceae) - Ajugoside (46) Rheumatism; ulcers; digestive disorders Yes No Lipoxygenase inhibition. [144]

Stachytarpheta cayennensis (L.C. Rich) Vahl (Verbenaceae) Flower; leaves; roots Ipolamiide (47) Pain; inflammation; fever; liver and gastric disturbances Yes Yes Inhibition of leukocyte accumulation and influx. [56; 145-148]
Inhibitory effect on histamine and bradykinin.

Syringa species(Oleaceae) Leaves Iridoid glycoside-rich fraction; Syringopicroside (48) Acute enteritis; icteric hepatitis; acute mastitis; bacillary dysentery; upper respiratory tract infections Yes Yes Reduction of the activity of myeloperoxidase, depression of malondialdehyde and NO levels and inhibition of the protein and mRNA expressions of NFK-B and TNF-α and IL-6. [149-151]

Verbascum lasianthum Boiss. (Scrophulariaceae) Aerial parts Aucubin (14); catalpol (15); geniposidic acid (17); ajugol (49) Respiratory disorders; urinary tract infections; earache; inflammatory skin disorders No Yes - [155]

Verbascum mucronatum Lam (Scrophulariaceae) - Catalpol (15); ajugol (49); lasianthoside (50); picroside IV (51) Respiratory disorders; urinary tract infections; earache and inflammatory skin disorders - Yes - [152; 156]

Verbascum pterocalycinum var. mutense Hub.-Mor. (Scrophulariaceae) Flowers Ajugol (49); picroside IV (51) Respiratory disorders; urinary tract infections; earache, inflammatory skin disorders No Yes - [157-158]

Verbena officinalis L. (Verbenaceae) Whole plant Verbenalin (52) Detoxing agent; diuretic; expectorant and anti-rheumatic No Yes Topically and orally administered extracts showed anti-inflammatory activity in the TPA-induced ear inflammation model and in carrageenan-induced rat-paw oedema. [159-163]

Veronica anagallis-aquatic L. (Plantaginaceae) Aerial parts Catalposide (6);veronicoside (53); verproside (54) Influenza; pain; haemoptysis; laryngopharyngitis and hernia - Yes Catalposide significantly inhibited the production of NO in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages in a dose-dependent manner. RT-PCR and Western blot analyses demonstrates that catalposide also suppressed the expression of the iNOS gene and protein and inhibited the activation of LPS-induced NF-κB. [43; 66; 163]

Vitex peduncularis Wall. ex Schauer (Verbenaceae) Root bark or young stem bark Pedunculariside (55); agnuside (56) Malaria type fever, especially black water fever Yes No Selective inhibition of COX-2. [164-165]