Semen |
Male fecundity (sperm morphology, mobility, concentration, DNA quality) |
(112) |
Ultrasound examination of ovaries and ovarian reserve |
Ovarian/menstrual function, ovarian structure (polycystic ovaries), and fecundity |
Urine |
Exposure biomarkers |
Hormonal markers |
(49) |
Metabolomics |
Maternal blood |
Exposure biomarkers |
Markers of inflammation, immunological and hormonal status, glucose tolerance tests |
(113) |
DNA methylation, gene expression, metabolomics |
Vaginal sample |
Vaginal microbiota, vaginosis |
Ultrasound examination |
Fetal size and growth; possibly placental morphology |
(114) |
Congenital malformations |
Maternal blood pressure, electrocardiography |
Maternal cardiovascular function |
(115, 116) |
Doppler examination of uterine, umbilical, or fetal arteries |
Blood flow, oxygen and nutriment supply |
(95) |
Cord blood |
Exposure biomarkers |
(117) |
Markers of inflammation, immunological and hormonal status |
DNA methylation, gene expression, metabolomics |
Amniotic fluid (if available) |
Exposure biomarkers |
(118) |
Placental tissue |
DNA methylation |
(119) |
Gene expression |
(120) |
DNA content |
(121) |
Vascularization/histology |
(122) |
Exposure biomarkers |
(123) |
Meconium |
Exposure biomarkers |
(124) |