Figure 1. Murine IL-23 induced model of inflammation corresponds to the human psoriasis phenotype: Statistically significant overlap of DEGs and ranked gene lists.
A. Venn diagrams illustrate relative overlap of orthologous DEGs between human psoriasis and the IL-23-induced mouse model. There are 10% more common DEGs between the IL-23 mouse model and MAD3 compared to that with Gudjonsson(LSvsNormal). B, C. Overlap between top k up- (red lines) and k down-regulated (dark blues lines) genes in the IL-23 transcriptome and the murine orthologs of the human MAD3 and Gudjonsson(LSvsNormal) transcriptomes, respectively, was estimated for k=1,…5000.. D. As a reference, the overlap between both human transcriptomes was analyzed in similar fashion. Statistically significant overlap is seen for all three depictions of ranked gene overlap, as the light blue regions represent degree of overlap expected under the null hypothesis of random overlap.