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. 2013 Dec 27;8(12):e84716. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084716

Table 1. Results for controls, neuropathic and non-neuropathic POTS subjects.

Control (10)   Non-Neuropathic POTS (15) Neuropathic POTS (9)
Age (years) 28±7 29±8 34±10
Height (cm) 169±7 166±5 166±13
Weight (kg) 73±14 64±6* 75±14†
Body Mass Index 25.4±3.9 23.2±2.7 27.4±4.0†
Gender 3 M 0 M 2 M
POTS Duration (years) N/A 4.9±4.4 4.4±3.5
IENFD distal leg (fibers/mm) 14.1±5.5 13.3±3.8 5.1±0.9*†
IENFD distal thigh (fibers/mm) 16.3±5.9 16.8±4.1 8.2±1.1*†
Cold detection (°C) 29.6±1.6 28.6±2.5 29.5±1.2
Heat detection (°C) 36.1±2.81 35.3±2.8 37.9±2.4*†
Heat-pain detection (°C) 45.2±3.3 43.5±4.0 48.3±1.0*†
QDIRT number foot 63±26 54±25 49±32
QDIRT area foot 65±29 48±21 47±32
QDIRT number thigh 39±23 19±10* 30±22†
QDIRT area thigh 41±22 16±8.5* 29±25†
Exp. to Insp ratio 1.49±0.23 1.50±0.16 1.35±0.12
Max-Min heart rate (beats/min) 23.7±11.5 28.3±7.4 19.8±5.4†
Resting heart rate (beats/min) 59±7 71±9* 66±13
Tilt heart rate (beats/min) 89±13 124±10* 114±7†*
Supine SBP 122±15 119±11 121±10
Tilt SBP 118±13 123±13 118±11
Valsalva ratio 1.75±0.19 2.31±0.45* 1.83±0.34†
Valsalva baseline SBP (mmHg) 119±16 121±14 120±13
Valsalva phase 2 early blood pressure (mmHg) 107±13 108±15 108±10
Valsalva phase 2 late blood pressure (mmHg) 121±18 120±26 124±27
Valsalva phase 4 blood pressure (mmHg) 147±18 168±27 132±17*†

Differences between groups measured by ANOVA with Tamhanes T2 post-hoc test (except gender, Fishers exact test). *= P<0.05 vs. Control. †= P<0.05 neuropathic vs. non-neuropathic. SBP: systolic blood pressure. Exp. to Insp ratio- the expiratory to inspiratory ratio during deep breathing.