A–D: Kiss1 signal in the RP3V autoradiographs was not detectable until PND 11 (black arrow; A,C) and sexually dimorphic at PND 19 (B,D,E). E: Quantification of signal by optical density revealed a significant sex difference in expression on PND 19 across the entire RP3V due to a significant increase in female expression. F,G: Qualitative assessment of silver grain deposition on the emulsion-dipped, counterstained slides revealed that, on PND 19, labeling was clustered (arrows on the left sides) around the labeled nuclei (arrows on the right sides) and primarily confined to a narrow region adjacent to the third ventricle (3V) but less robust in the rostral portion of the RP3V (F) in both sexes (female on the left, male on the right) compared with the caudal portion (G; female on the left, male on the right) . Significant differences in expression, compared with PND 0 are represented by (***) P ≤ 0.001 for the females. Significant sex differences at P19 are indicated by (†††) P ≤ 0.001. The sample size for each age is shown on the graph, and the data points represent mean ± SEM. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bar = 500 µm in A (applies to A–D); 50 µm in F (applies to F,G). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]