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. 2013 Nov 1;13(23):1–45.
Search date: August 26, 2012
Databases searched: Ovid MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations, Embase; Wiley; Cochrane; Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) database
Limits: 2002-present; Human; English; NOT case reports, comments, editorials, letters
Filters: RCTS & MAs/SRs/HTAs for administration route question (#3)
1 exp Vitamin B 12 Deficiency/ use mesz
2 exp Vitamin B 12/df use mesz
3 Transcobalamins/df use mesz
4 exp Cyanocobalamin Deficiency/ use emez
5 ((b12 or b 12 or cyanocobalamin or cobalamin* or transcobalamin* or cobamide? or hydroxocobalamin or hydroxo-cobalamin or hydroxycobalamin) adj3 (deficien* or inadequa* or insufficien* or low blood level* or low serum level* or low plasma level* or suboptimal or sub-optimal or subnormal or sub-normal)).ti,ab.
6 (an?emia* adj2 (addison* or pernicious* or megaloblastic)).ti,ab.
7 or/1-6
8 exp Vitamin B 12/ use mesz
9 Transcobalamins/ use mesz
10 Transcobalamin/ use emez
11 Cyanocobalamin/ use emez
12 (b12 or b 12 or cyanocobalamin or cobalamin* or transcobalamin* or cobamide? or hydroxocobalamin or hydroxo-cobalamin or hydroxycobalamin).ti,ab.
13 or/8-12
14 exp Dementia/
15 exp Cognition Disorders/ use mesz
16 (alzheimer* or amentia? or dementia* or demention or senile or senility or (cognit* adj (decline or disorder? or impair*))).ti,ab.
17 or/14-16
18 (7 or 13) and 17
19 Case Reports/ or or or
20 Case Report/ or Comment/ or Editorial/ or Letter/
21 or/19-20
22 18 not 21
23 limit 22 to english language
24 limit 23 to yr="2002 -Current"
25 exp animals/
26 exp animal experimentation/
27 exp models animal/
28 exp animal experiment/
29 nonhuman/
30 exp vertebrate/
31 or/25-30
32 exp humans/
33 exp human experiment/
34 or/32-33
35 31 not 34
36 24 not 35
37 remove duplicates from 36
38 7 and 13
39 38 not 21
40 limit 39 to (controlled clinical trial or meta analysis or randomized controlled trial)
41 exp Technology Assessment, Biomedical/ or exp Evidence-based Medicine/ use mesz
42 exp Biomedical Technology Assessment/ or exp Evidence Based Medicine/ use emez
43 (health technology adj2 assess$).ti,ab.
44 exp Random Allocation/ or exp Double-Blind Method/ or exp Control Groups/ or exp Placebos/ use mesz
45 Randomized Controlled Trial/ or exp Randomization/ or exp RANDOM SAMPLE/ or Double Blind Procedure/ or exp Triple Blind Procedure/ or exp Control Group/ or exp PLACEBO/ use emez
46 (random* or RCT).ti,ab.
47 (placebo* or sham*).ti,ab.
48 (control* adj2 clinical trial*).ti,ab.
49 meta analysis/ use emez
50 (meta analy* or metaanaly* or pooled analysis or (systematic* adj2 review*) or published studies or published literature or medline or embase or data synthesis or data extraction or cochrane).ti,ab.
51 or/41-50
52 (39 and 51) or 40
53 limit 52 to english language
54 limit 53 to yr="2002 -Current"
55 remove duplicates from 54