Table 1. Parameters for Golgi maturation in wild-type and arf1Δ cells.
E, average number of early Golgi cisternae; L, average number of late Golgi cisternae; m, average frequency of Golgi maturation (early-to-late Golgi transitions per minute); pE, average persistence time of early Golgi cisternae (seconds); and pL, average persistence time of late Golgi cisternae (seconds).
Values are means ± s.e.m.
As determined by an two-tailed unpaired t-test, the following parameters are significantly different for wild-type versus arf1Δ cells: E (P<0.0001), L (P<0.0001), m (P<0.0001) and pE (P<0.001).
The last two columns show predicted values of E and L according to the formulas stated in the text.