Figure 1. Data collected for the CFTR2 project.
The 159 variants seen in 9 or more alleles with an allele frequency of ≥0.01% in CFTR2 were prioritized for further analysis. *Incomplete clinical information available from submitting registry at the time of analysis. aSweat chloride data was not reported for 10,170 patients. 236 patients had sweat chloride values outside physiologic range (>150 mmol/L or <5 mmol/L) and were excluded. bLung function data was not reported for 10,197 patients. 5,633 patients were under the age of 6 years and were excluded, if measurements were present. 46 patients had lung function measurements outside physiologic range (<3% or >150% predicted) and were excluded. cPancreatic status was characterized as sufficient (PS) or insufficient (PI). Data was not reported on 5,083 patients.