gag phylogenetic tree analysis of Ethiopian HIV-1 sequences by the neighbor-joining method of the DNADIST, NEIGHBOR, and DRAWTREE options of the PHYLIP software package. The two genotypes are indicated as C and C′. The sequences from the different towns are indicated by codes as follows: AA, Addis Ababa; AM, Arba Minch; AS, Assab; DD, Dire Dawa; DE, Dessie; JM, Jimma; and GO, Gondar. The first two digits following these codes indicate the year of sample collection, and the next three digits indicate the sample number. Subtype A (UG455 and KEQ2317), subtype D (94UG114 and 84ZR085), and subtype B (FRHxB2R and USJRFL) references were used. Numbers by the branches represent bootstrap values for 100 replications.