Cells remain flg22-signaling incompetent after pretreatment with vesicular trafficking inhibitors Wm and TyrA23 following an initial flg22 elicitation. A, Flg22-induced ROS reelicitation after pretreatment with 100 µm
TyrA23. B, Flg22-induced ROS reelicitation after pretreatment with 30 µm
Wm. For ROS production in A and B, Col-0 leaf disc halves were pretreated for 1 h with (circles) or without (square) chemical inhibitors, washed, elicited with 1 μm flg22 at 0 min (first elicitation, white symbols), and then reelicited at 60 min (arrow; second elicitation, black symbols) with 1 μm flg22. To allow for correct comparisons, ROS experiments shown in the same section (A or B) were performed in the same 96-well plate at the same time (n = 24 per treatment). Experiment was repeated at least three times with similar results. RLU, relative light units.