Figure 1.
Forest plots showing relative risk of high carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) in four cohorts. Data were analyzed from four studies — the Muscatine Study, the Bogalusa Heart Study, the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study, and the Childhood Determinants of Adult Health (CDAH) Study. In each individual study cohort and in a meta-analysis of all four cohorts, the risk of high cIMT (≥90th percentile for age-, sex-, race-, study-year–, and cohort-specific values) is shown. Child blood pressure (BP) was classified as elevated if systolic or diastolic BP were ≥90thpercentile using the NHBPEP tables for age, sex, and height. Adult BP was classified as elevated if Systolic BP≥120mmHg or Diastolic BP≥80mmHg. In addition, adult BP status was considered elevated among those self-reporting use of antihypertensive medications. Participants who had a normal blood pressure (BP) in childhood and had normal BP as adults (Control) were compared with participants who had elevated BP in childhood but not as adults (Resolution), participants with a normal BP in childhood who had elevated BP as adults (Incident), and participants who had elevated BP in childhood and as adults (Persistent). The size of each box is proportional to the weight of the cohort in the meta-analysis. The diamonds represent the relative risks estimated from the meta-analysis, with the lateral points indicating the 95% confidence intervals. The P values for heterogeneity among groups were 0.34 for the comparison of Resolution with Control, 0.27 for the comparison of Incident with Control, and 0.15 for the comparison of Persistent with Control, suggesting that there was no dissimilarity among cohorts