Figure 2.
Introgression effects on expression in males and females for 964 genes divergently regulated in at least one sex and expressed in both sexes. (A). Homozygous introgression effects (twice the additive effect estimated from Haley-Knott regression) relative to the parental D. simulans strain. Symbols indicate whether gene expression phenotypes show significant eQTL in only one sex (sex-spp) or both males and females (both linked), and among the latter group, whether the linked genetic marker in males and females is shared (the same or adjacent markers) or not (disparate markers). For genes with shared markers between the sexes, expression effects are strongly positively correlated (green dashed line, slope = 1.15, ρ = 0.90, P < 0.0001). (B) Homozygous introgression effects in males versus females for cis- and trans-regulated genes. (C). Dominance parameters for expression effects in males and females, for cis- and trans-regulated genes. Dominance parameters are weakly positively correlated for trans-regulated genes (ρ = 0.089, P = 0.008), and weakly negatively correlated among cis-regulated genes (ρ = −0.22, P = 0.046).