Fig. 2.
Activity of dopamine and not serotonin neurons affects oviposition preference. (A) Dopaminergic neuron cell body positions in one hemisphere of the adult central brain are marked based on anti-TH immunohistochemistry (27, 28, 31, 32). PAM cell number is underrepresented in the schematic (33). (B) Cells colabeled with anti-TH antibody and Ddc-GAL4 in the central brain (33). Disrupting neurotransmission in Ddc cells decreased oviposition preference [n = 17–21 per strain; ANOVA: F(3,73) = 47.51, P < 0.0001]. (C) Schematic of the TH-GAL4 expression pattern in the central brain (33). See Fig. S5 for more details. Arrow highlights that most PAM neurons do not express TH-GAL4. Disrupting neurotransmission in TH cells increased oviposition preference [n = 9–16 per strain; ANOVA: F(3,51) = 9.62, P < 0.0001]. (D) Disruption of transmission in serotonergic neurons with TRH-GAL4 did not disrupt oviposition preference [n = 19–21 per strain; ANOVA: F(2,76) = 4.23, P = 0.08; all Tukey’s comparisons to TRH/TeTx: P > 0.05]. Bars on graphs represent means ± SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.001; ***P < 0.0001. Clusters of dopaminergic neurons are named based on their location in the brain: PAM, protocerebral anterior median; PPL, protocerebral posterior lateral; PPM, protocerebral posterior median; PAL, protocerebral anterior lateral; Sb, subesophageal ganglion.