Table 3.
Physical appearance and apparent viscosities of propranolol HCl gel formulaions (F1−F18).
Formulation code | Physical appearance | Apparent viscosity |
code |
Physical appearance | Apparent viscosity |
F1 | Transparent, light green color, without lumps | Low | F10 | Translucent, light yellow color, without lumps | Low |
F2 | Transparent, light green color, without lumps | Relatively high | F11 | Translucent, light yellow color, without lumps | Relatively low |
F3 | Transparent, light green color, without lumps | high | F12 | Translucent, light yellow color, without lumps | Relatively high |
F4 | Transparent, light green color, with lumps | Very high | F13 | Translucent, light yellow color, without lumps | high |
F5 | Translucent, white color, without lumps | Low | F14 | Translucent, light yellow color, with lumps | Very high |
F6 | Translucent, white color, without lumps | Relatively low | F15 | Transparent, colorless, without lumps | Relatively low |
F7 | Translucent, white color, without lumps | Relatively high | F16 | Transparent, colorless, without lumps | Relatively high |
F8 | Translucent, white color, without lumps | high | F17 | Transparent, colorless, without lumps | high |
F9 | Translucent, white color, with lumps | Very high | F18 | Transparent, colorless, with lumps | Very high |