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. 2013 Sep;132(3):437–444. doi: 10.1542/peds.2012-3135


Urine Tests Performed for Antibiotic-Treated Pediatric UTI Episodesa

Urine Test Performed UTI Episodes, n (%) Urine Test Use, %
All Years Study Period 1b Study Period 2b Pc
All UTI episodes 40 603
 Culture performed 57 60 54 <.0001
 Urinalysis performed 76 77 75 <.0001
 Culture or urinalysis performed 81 82 79 <.0001
UTI episodes for age <2 y 5890 (14)
 Culture performed 57 58 52 <.0001
 Urinalysis performed 61 62 58 <.01
 Culture or urinalysis performed 68 69 65 <.001
UTI episodes for age 2–5 y 11 677 (29)
 Culture performed 61 65 56 <.0001
 Urinalysis performed 76 78 73 <.0001
 Culture or urinalysis performed 81 83 78 <.0001
UTI episodes for age 6–12 y 13 867 (34)
 Culture performed 60 62 57 <.0001
 Urinalysis performed 80 82 78 <.0001
 Culture or urinalysis performed 85 87 82 <.0001
UTI episodes for age 13–17 y 9169 (23)
 Culture performed 50 51 48 .03
 Urinalysis performed 80 81 78 <.001
 Culture or urinalysis performed 84 85 82 <.0001

A UTI episode includes the 14-day period after initial visit date of the UTI. One patient may have multiple UTI episodes, and therefore the total number of UTI episodes (40 603) is greater than the total number of patients (28 678) in the study.


Study period 1 includes 2002 through 2004. Study period 2 includes 2005 to 2007.


The P value is the difference in proportion of urine test use between study period 1 and study period 2 using the χ2 test.