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. 2013 Sep;132(3):413–420. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-0570


Linear Regression of SSB Intake (Increasing Servings) on BMI z Score at Age 4 and 5 Years

BMI z Score
Correlation Coefficient (SE) P
Age 4 y
 Model 0 (no adjustments) 0.1672 (0.0488) <.001
 Model 1 (adjusted for gender, race/ethnicity, SES, mother’s BMI) 0.1040 (0.0471) .03
 Model 2 (adjusted for gender, race/ethnicity, SES, mother’s BMI, television viewing) 0.0966 (0.0476) .05
Age 5 y
 Model 0 (no adjustments) 0.2470 (0.0564) <.001
 Model 1 (adjusted for gender, race/ethnicity, SES, mother’s BMI) 0.1703 (0.0520) .002
 Model 2 (adjusted for gender, race/ethnicity, SES, mother’s BMI, television viewing) 0.1819 (0.0533) .001

Data in this format were not available at age 2 y.