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. 2013 Sep;132(3):421–428. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-0621


Clinical Outcomes of Children With Culture-Confirmed PCV7 and Non-PCV7 Pneumococcal Meningitis in Utah

Characteristic PCV7 Serotypes Non-PCV7 Serotypes P
PICU admission
 All children <18 y 23/25 (92%) 33/41 (80%) .297
 Children <2 y 15/17 (88%) 22/28 (79%) .690
Mechanical ventilation
 All children <18 y 17/25 (68%) 14/41 (34%) .008
 Children <2 y 11/17 (65%) 11/28 (39%) .098
 All children <18 y 4/25 (16%) 5/41 (12%) .721
 Children <2 y 3/17 (18%) 4/28 (14%) 1.000
Total hospital length of stay, days
 All children <18 y .777
  Median 15 12
  IQR 10–20 7–18
 Children <2 y .807
  Median 12 12.5
  IQR 8–18 8.5–18