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. 2013 Dec 31;8(12):e83047. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083047

Table 1. Characteristics of the twins.

All MZ twins DZ twins
No. of individuals 400 200 200
Post-menopausal (%) 64 (16) 32 (16) 32 (16)
Age (y) 47.8±9.3 47.6±9.6 48.1±9.1
(28.6, 72.8) (28.6, 72.6) (33.5, 72.8)
BMI (kg/m2) 24.9±24.8 24.8±4.6 24.9±5.2
(16.5, 44.4) (17, 44.4) (16.5, 43.5)
Smoking status:
Never (%) 249 (62.3) 136 (68.0) 113 (56.5)
Former (%) 107 (26.8) 45 (22.5) 62 (31.0)
Current (%) 44 (11.0) 19 (9.5) 25 (12.5)
C-reactive protein (mg/l) 2.83±4.37 2.34±2.93 3.31±5.39
(n = 136 MZ, 140 DZ) (0.16, 34) (0.16, 20.9) (0.16, 34.0)
Dietary calcium 1074±328 1070±324 1078±333
(mg/day) (232, 2119) (232, 2010) (232, 2119)
Dietary fibre (g/day) 19.1±7.1 19.3±6.9 18.9±7.2
(5.3, 51.0) (5.3, 51.0) (5.4, 50.5)
Dietary vitamin C 154.9±77.9 160.4±77.1 149.4±78.5
(mg/day) (31.0, 561) (41.2, 515) (31.0, 561)
Meat consumption 2.0±1.72 1.9±1.5 2.2±1.9
(times/week) (0, 11.5) (0, 8.75) (0, 11.5)

Values are means ± SD (min, max).